
Wal Chirachaisakul

TriJaXa is proud to introduce the next talented artist which the foundation will support in 2020: Wal Chirachaisakul.

Pacharaporn Baispouwan

We introduce Thai Artist Pacharaporn Baispouwan, better known as Jeentee.

Cooperation, advice and lectures

In 2018 TriJaXa cooperated with different archaeologists, artists and authors for instance archaeologists from the Elbe-Weser Region in Germany, archaeologist working on exotic materials in prehistory, the Northseamuseum on the isle of Heligoland, and artists preparing projects. TriJaXa organized lectures, amongst others about 18th century ceramics, the modern vision on prehistoric man and archaeological objects.

Exotic finds from a field

December 2018 a publication will appear in ‘De nieuwe Drentse Volksalmanak’ with the title ‘Exotische vondsten op een akker. Onderzoek van een bijzondere vindplaats van de Trechterbekercultuur bij Emmen (Exotic finds from a field. Research at a remarkable TRB site near Emmen). Research at the site was guided by TriJaXa and the publication is written by J.R. Beuker and M. Kortenhoeven. It deals with a remarkable site of the Funnel Beaker Culture dating from 3300 tot 2975 v.Chr.